" I think you live in a bubble" Look who is talking. Each cult believes the other cult is bad or wrong.
Trump is a horrible human being. This alone is reason enough for me to want to vote against him. His populist message may resonate with the white male, especially in the heartland and rural areas, but it's a message that is losing favor with the new more educated generations (the Marxists, Simon may say). This nationalism in Europe and the U.S. is going to be short lived. This is the last victory of the extreme right. In the U.S., Goldwater started it and Trump marks the beginning of its decline..
I take Obama over Trump any day. I say this as someone who was indoctrinated to reject and dislike anything liberal for over 20 years. I am friends with liberals and they certainly make better neighbors and human beings than the recent brand of conservatives. Let's review, it's a cult